Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Americans Under Israeli Violence

On Monday a US jury gave the Palestinian Authority the responsibility of the killing of a number of American citizens and ordered them to pay $218.5 million to american victims in six separate attacks in Israel between the years 2002 and 2004 blaming the Islamist movement Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades. Both the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Liberation Organization denied the attacks and refused to be responsible to any independent acts.

The PA expects the US jury to understand that neither the Palestinian Government nor the Palestinian people accept any act of terrorism and if the U.S. jury finds the PA liable and responsible of such acts then the PA finds the U.S. responsible for the terrorist attack that killed the three beautiful angles Deah, Yusor, and Razan in the Chapel Hill shooting, the PA also finds the U.S. responsible of every Palestinian killed since the U.S. is funding the Israeli Military Forces. 

This article doesn't really talk about who is responsible for killing who and at the end of the day killing a person is forbidden no matter what the reason is. However, finding the PA responsible for killing U.S. citizens made me think of the American precious souls that were killed by Israelis trying to defend the Palestinian right and why doesn't the U.S  investigate Israeli violence against their citizens. 

Tariq Abukhdeir
On July 2014; 15-year-old Tariq Abukhdeir, a US citizen from florida was beaten by an undercover Israeli police officer where he was kicked and punched in the face and head while lying handcuffed on the ground in Shuafat neighborhood of the occupied East Jerusalem. Abukhdeir was arrested without a charge and was released on bail after three days and was placed under house arrest. The U.S. department called " for a speedy, transparent and credible investigation and full accountability for any excessive use of force" in Tariq's beating and nothing happened after that. 

Rachel Corrie
On March 2003; 23-year-old american activist, Rachel Corrie, from Olympia- Washington was run over and killed by and Israeli Caterpillar bulldozer while nonviolently protesting against the demolishing of a Palestinian house in the Gaza strip. The Israeli government promised the US to have a thorough investigation in her death but Rachel's family was informed afterwards that the case "didn't meet the Israeli investigation standards". The U.S. didn't intervene and left the Corrie family appeal to the Israeli high court after a lower court voted against the family and blamed Rachel for her own death. 

Brain Avery, a 24-year-old activist from New Mexico was shot in the face by an Israeli solider in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin. Moreover; Tristan Anderson, a 37-year-old activist from California is suffering from brain damage after an Israeli Soldier shot him in the forehead during a protest in the occupied West Bank village of Nilin in March 2009. Non of their cases where taking into consideration and the U.S. didn't intervene at all and never asked for an investigation. 
Tristan Anderson
Brain Avery

Abukhdeir, Corrie, Avery and Anderson are not the only Americans that were injured or killed by the Israeli Military Forces. American activists that visit Palestine are heroes. They go there to see what the media doesn't want them to see, they go there and see Palestinians getting killed, kicked out of their houses, shot, injured, imprisoned , burned and much more for no reason. Israeli forces are "occupational" forces which means that they are there to occupy lands and therefore they don't discriminate between gender, nationality or age. They don't care if you're an American or a Palestinian, if you're a male or a female, if you're 5 years old or 80; they are on the Palestinian lands with one goal which is to build their own state, the state of "Israel" and anyone that stands in their way will simply get killed. 

The U.S. is fully aware that this is the case and even if they don't care if Palestinians are getting killed for no matter what the reason is, why do they care less about their people? why do they care less about Americans getting killed by Israelis? The U.S. invaded Iraq because they claimed that Sadam Hussien was killing his own people and they went there to "help Iraqis" and today we find the U.S. funding the military that is killing its people. Ironic right?

See story at : http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/23/us-plo-israel-attacks-trial-idUSKBN0LR1SL20150223

1 comment:

  1. Dear writer:

    First of all I wanna thank you for your kind response about my review .moreover , i keep reading this article like every day and i have to express my opinion for this article so i just need to write something about it.

    From my point of view, I think that the article “American under Israeli Violence” is a well written one as it describes the duplication in treatment of U.S citizens when it comes to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. On the one hand, a U.S Jury Held that the P.A, P.L.O, Hamas, Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades are responsible for the death of Israeli civilian and were obliged to pay 200 million dollars. On the other Hand, no one cares when a U.S citizen dies or injure during defending Palestinian rights. The writer brings many examples of U.S citizens who were killed or injured while defending Palestinian rights such as Rachel Corrie, Tarek AbuKhdeir, Tristan Anderson and many others.
    I do agree with you that the United States discriminating Policy when it comes to Palestinian’s rights must be reviewed and many steps should be taken forward. The American Idea of saving the lives of “other” civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan from Saddam Hussein cannot be taken seriously anymore as the states are neither willing nor caring to save their own citizens anymore.

    Finally, your articles is amazing specially that's talk about your country ,I guess your country must be very proud of you ,because you're trying to change the American views about the Palestinian , Israeli conflict . I guess that's hard because your facing billions of dollars that's funding the media to show one side of the conflict that's something you should be proud of.

    PS: if there something I got it wrong or you disagree with me please tell me.

    Best of regard.

